Garden Design Process
Inspired Thinking
This is where the garden plan design begins, envisaging a fuller richer complete response to how you want to live and experience being in your garden.
- Do a little digging – what memories do you have around gardens, what memories are you looking to create? Family gatherings, playing, holidays, friends, food and laughter, sun warmed fruit off the trees, secret spaces or relaxing with a book and a cuppa (heaven).
- Check out the client project checklist to start forming your brief
- Look through those inspirational magazines and at my pinterest page and create your own board of ideas.
Take the first step to making your vision a reality and tell your story. Clarifying what you want from your garden informs the project. We can then discuss costs and budget. We’re here to help. Book a time to meet, let’s share ideas. Innovation changes everything, resolution is sweet!
The Design Process
We meet at your place so that together we can develop a brief. I listen to your ideas, your wish list and your requirements. We discuss what functions you require of the spaces around your home and take into consideration the architecture of the house, the elements, privacy requirements and how you like to spend your time.
At this meeting we also need to discuss the budget that you have available to create the landscape. This is an important step at this stage as it enables me to design effectively within it and shapes the project.
Please provide a copy of the Site Plan (house elevations & drainage plans if available) at this meeting.
Click on the green Download Design Process button for fees
From this meeting I formulate a quote for the Concept Plan and/or Planting Plans.
I send a letter detailing the conversation we had at the Initial Consultation along with a request for approval to go ahead with the development of the Concept Plan and/or Planting Plan. A fifty percent deposit is required upon acceptance of the quote and before any design work is started.
Measurements and photos are taken of the areas to be designed.
Topography, soil, drainage, wind, sun, views and privacy considerations are noted. Placement of existing vegetation and structures onto the Site Plan if required. Identify the opportunities and constraints present.
Please note; if the plan is inaccurate or levels are required there is a fee for site measurement. Hourly rate, travel, plus equipment hire.
At the drawing board I develop a preliminary plan drawn to scale based on the brief. This will clearly convey the overall theme of the design showing the layout of hard landscape and constructed elements, materials and areas of planting.
A plant palette is created for the Planting Plan.
This is an opportunity for client and designer to review and discuss the Preliminary Plan, materials and design intention and to make any changes if required.
If changes are made to the initial brief at this time, revised work is chargeable at the hourly rate.
At the drawing board I incorporate any changes made during our meeting.
The plan will provide notes for a qualified landscape contractor to carry out the construction e.g steps, heights for retaining etc.
The Concept Plan will indicate the materials and finishes e.g., paved area, decking, tiling etc. It may show the group arrangements of trees and shrubs. It will not specify the type or quantity of plants.
Further working drawings/construction details may be required for custom elements or council and can be quoted for and arranged after the concept design.
A pdf file is provided for the client and contractors.
Images of plants and ideas are supplied to visualise the design.
Final payment for plans is made at this time.
Communication between designer, client and contractor.
Once the plans are complete Seed can arrange the realisation of your garden.
We work in partnership with select landscape contracting companies chosen for their craftsmanship who can confidently build from your Concept Plan and can provide a comprehensive quote for the job. We go over the plan onsite and discuss what is required for the build process. Referrals are provided so you can talk to past clients about their experience in dealing with the company along with images and examples of their work that you can physically view for your peace of mind.
Clients can confidently choose from the contractors who have provided quotes and any queries can be addressed before engagement. Copies of up to date Indemnity insurance details and Landscape NZ Affiliation are provided.
Specification and sourcing on select materials, colours and finishes and any custom designed elements are finalised with the client at this stage and information is communicated to the contractors for their quoting information. I recommend contractors for engineering, metalwork, stonework and lighting. Further working drawings may be required for builders or council.
During construction I am in communication with site visits, phone calls and e-mails with the contractors and client to ensure the integrity of the design is being carried out and the build is informed. Comprehensive progress reporting and documentation is supplied.
Auckland Landscape
Before and Afters